SHAP Usage Instructions
The Assessor's SHAP Protocol provides detailed instructions for an assessor to conduct a SHAP. The information on this page supplements this document, by providing videos of the different SHAP tests.

Abstract Object Tasks
1. Spherical [light|heavy]
2. Tripod [light|heavy]
3. Power [light|heavy]
4. Lateral [light|heavy]
5. Tip [light|heavy]
6. Extension [light|heavy]
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
Usage Instrustions: Rotate a Screw
Place the screwdriver in the designated area on the form board on the right side for right-handed participants and the left for left-handed participants. The arrow unit is mounted on a clip, which should be attached to the front of the case (again, the right side for right-handed participants and the left for left-handed participants). Use the area directly in front of the screwdriver between the lock and the handle on the case. Ensure the arrow is pointing upward. Use two hands to guide the screwdriver to the screw and rotate it 90° clockwise to the mark on the clip using one hand only. Hold the screwdriver in a power grip. You may hold the clip on the top of the case to keep it stable with your other hand. Reset the task for the participant.
"Start the timer and use the screwdriver to rotate the screw a quarter turn clockwise to, or beyond the white mark as demonstrated and as quickly as possible. Once completed, the screwdriver should be replaced on the platform and the timer stopped. Two hands may be used to guide the screwdriver to the screw, but only the appropriate hand should be used for turning the screw. Your other hand can be used to steady the top of the arrow unit."
Example Video

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